
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

{365} Challenge: PR on Squat

Today's Challenge: PR on Squat

This is a challenge that is not going to happen overnight, but I will be working on it.  Today, I start back to Crossfit.

Since October, I have been back at the gym doing circuit training, weights, and strength exercises.  I've actually been pretty scared to get back in with the heavy lifters and start throwing the big weights around again.

What motivated me?

Holly Mangold.

Watching her on The Biggest Loser refueled my passion for weight lifting.  Check her out on the show:

Amazing right?!

In high school my squat record was 235 lbs.  In 2012, before I got pregnant, my PR was 210 lbs.  This year I would like to not only beat 210 lbs., but hit 275 lbs.
Pregnant and squatting 145 lbs.

Catch up on my daily challenges here.

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