
Friday, January 31, 2014

A Re-Cap of January

This year has started out on a positive note.  My daily challenges are actually challenging me; one of the biggest challenges being coming up with more challenges.

The water challenge is by far the most difficult one to keep up with up, but I am still working on it.  I am surprisingly keeping up with the weekly documentaries, washing bed sheets, and making lunch for my husband (to his enjoyment.)  He started back to college this week and now has even less free time.  Making his lunch is a huge benefit to him.  

Focusing on the kids has been nice too.  They love spending time alone with each of us and enjoy the one-on-one attention.  Brydon and I went to the batting cages two days ago and I saw marked improvement since the last time we went.  It makes me excited for baseball season to officially start.  Even Bliss seems to enjoy her reading time.  Last night we read Mother Goose rhymes, which are so silly when you think about them.  

I did fail at taking a lot of photos this month - that is something I am going to try to improve on in February.  Here are some of my favorites from this past month.

Trying on her shades

Phin is always sleeping in the strangest places

Working on a science lesson for homeschool

She is showing off her favorite sports teams!

Spending time with her boyfriend before a day of thrift store and cloth diaper shopping and lunch.

Fort Building with the kids

 Someone is working on sitting up!

My niece came to town and had fun with her cousins

I love this beautiful face!

I love this face too, especially with a new haircut.

Bliss turned 5 months on the 28th!  She is getting so big!

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