
Thursday, March 13, 2014

{365} Challenge: Do Something Daring!

Today's Challenge: Do Something Daring!

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the comfortable and normal, we forget to take risks.  Of course, not all risks are great (you will NEVER see me go sky-diving!), but sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone.

I have been looking for a change for awhile now - to do something bold and different.  As a mom of three who is in her 30's, at times it feels like my youth is gone and I am stuck in this role of wife and mom and no longer the free spirit I used to be.  When I was younger I was so spontaneous and as responsibilities have grown, schedules become the norm.  

Not that that is a bad thing.  

I need schedules and I love them, but I did need a change.

So I did this.

And yes, it is permanent.  I am excited to see how it changes and fades too.

What will you do today that is daring?

You can catch up on my challenges here.


  1. Wow, what a change! It looks great!

  2. Thank you! So far I have had a lot of positive responses in public. It feels great :)
