
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Card Table Makeover

This last weekend was my lucky weekend!  Maybe it was the St. Patrick's Day magic in the air, but more than likely it was God placing me in just the right positions to score big.

Not only did I score the FREE BOB jogging stroller, on Sunday morning while messing around on Facebook, another deal popped up.  Are you familiar with any of the yard sale sites on Facebook these days?  I love them!  I have been able to sell a bunch of stuff to set  money aside for our Walt Disney World trip.  As I was looking at one of the sites I am on, a local lady posted that she was giving away some junky card tables for free.  I am in a Bunco group and we often have parties or yard sales where extra tables come in handy so I NEEDED these tables.  I hopped in the jeep and hurried over.  Thankfully, I was the first to arrive and took both of the card tables.  They actually were not in bad shape and I knew immediately that these would be great makeover stories.

To do this you will want:
a card table (duh)
1 1/2 yards fabric
1 1/2 yards 4 gauge clear vinyl
staple gun with short staples (I used 1/4")

Start to finish (if I do not include being interrupted by mommyhood) was under 2 hours.  Almost everything I needed I already had at home.  The only thing I felt I should get was 4 gauge vinyl, to protect the top and make it "waterproof."  JoAnne's sells this for $2.99/yard and I used a 40% off coupon for the yard and a half I purchased. So for $2.70 was all I spent on this project.

My husband took the top off the first table before I took a picture, but the top only had a few snags in it.  First thing was to remove the top which was really easy.  Just locate the screws and remember to place them in a safe spot so you can reattach the top later.

You may want to wipe down the frame and pull off any tape that is stuck on it.  Mine had duct tape on two of the legs from holding down a tablecloth at some point.  After it is clean enough for you, spray paint it.  I prefer the spray paint that does a double coat since it requires less work.  I chose a light pink that I had on hand.

While that dries, lay out your fabric.  I had this amazing pink tattoo flash print that I have been holding on to for YEARS that I decided to use.  Trim it to fit, leaving a good inch all the way around.  Now you will staple it to the underside of the table.  I folded mine under so it looked nicer.  Of course, I forgot to take a picture of this step.  After that is done, repeat this procedure with the clear vinyl.

That is basically it!  Now you just reattach the top to the (dried) frame and you are good to go!

I just love how my table turned out!  It suits me perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I like how you transformed that empty and drab looking table frame into a lovely card table. The print is nice and the colors really fit you. I love it! Anyway, thanks for sharing this awesome DIY. Cheers!

    Albert Andrews @ Pharaoh Manufacturing
