
Sunday, April 13, 2014

MommyCon San Francisco

What a great day yesterday was at MommyCon!  I, along with my babywearing group, headed into the city for what would turn out to be a great adventure.

I stayed in East Bay at a friend's house and drove into the city Saturday morning, where at the end of the day I would pay $36 for parking.  What I should have done, was take BART into the city for only $4.  You live and learn, I guess.  Traffic in the morning was mild and I found a parking garage not far from where I needed to be.  

Baby B in the Ergo and Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag on my back, we headed to the hotel with my iMaps open as my trusty guide.  So I thought.  After walking around the same block twice, I realized something wasn't correct.  Thankfully a local pointed me in the proper direction; I was just a block away.  Thanks iMaps.  

MommyCon lady, Alyssa had emailed me a few weeks ago informing me that I had been selected to be a babywearing model, so I was to arrive early.  When I got into the convention room, vendors were setting up and I was able to get a sneak peak at some of the great products featured.  What I was really interested in, was the new Ergo Original in Sea Skipper.  Lucky me, I ended up modeling it in the Babywearing 101 seminar.

After returning the carrier,  MommyCon had officially started and I was free to roam around.  Milkin' Cookies was in attendance and I scored a few of the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  They were so delicious!  Had they not already sold out of chocolate chip, I would have purchased a bunch right then.  Luckily I can order online.  

While there were many great shops, one stood out to me: Hippie Long Stockings.  They have an amazing story and despite losing their home and moving into a trailer to travel the country, they are giving the proceeds from their sales to people more in need than they.  I think that is pretty cool.  I purchased several baby leggings and a cute little outfit for Baby B.

Many carseats were on display, including the Diono Radian which I LOVE.  I was able to talk car seat stuff with their reps, tell the BOB rep my amazing BOB stroller story, and listen to some great speakers in the seminars, including Alanis Morissette.  

There were so many great speakers - unfortunately my iPhone isn't the greatest at taking photos, but that is okay.  The best thing I took away wasn't photos - it was a greater confidence in breastfeeding in public...without a cover!  The more we support each other as moms and parents no matter how we feed out kids - the less we have to be afraid when we want to nurse or bottle feed our babies while we are out.  

Jessica from The Leaky Boob

Jamie from I Am Not The Babysitter (also remembered as the Time Magazine mom)

Sitting with Abby, THE Badass Breastfeeder and some of my babywearing mamas

It was a great experience, and one I would love to do again.  Even working the event as a rep or MommyCon employee would be a dream.  

If you attended or are attending a MommyCon in your area, please share your experience or what you hope to learn while there!

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