
Sunday, February 9, 2014

{365} Challenge: Start a New Project

Today's Challenge: Start a New Project

In addition to writing this blog, last year before the birth of my daughter, I started making bows.  Quickly after, friends encouraged me to start making them to sell, and with that motivation, Bliss & Bows was born.

I have been focused on making bows, floral headbands, and the occasional home decor item, but they have all been girl-inspired.  Most of my friends, however, recently had boys.  I kept getting texts and emails about making bow-ties.  My good friend Christina, is celebrating the 1st birthday of her handsome son Simon on Monday and really wanted a bow-tie for his first birthday picture.  So today, I set to work.

After playing around with some measurements and playing around with ideas, this was my finished project.  I like it!  What do you think?

Christina took her bow-tie and made this adorable outfit with it.

Catch up on my other challenges here.

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