
Saturday, February 8, 2014

{365} Challenge: Try a New Recipe

Today's Challenge: Try a New Recipe

Do you get set in your ways in the kitchen?  You know, stuck in a rut of the same old recipes month after month?  I know I have become a victim to sticking to the same ways of doing things, including how I make meals and the products that I purchase.

This morning, I decided to try something different for my husband.  The other day I got a great deal on biscuits, but they needed to be eaten.  I made a bunch for the boys for the slumber party breakfast, but my hubby needs more than just a biscuit, butter, and jam,  I wanted to make him some gravy to go along with him.  Normally, I stick to the package of powdered breakfast gravy (which is what I grew up with.)  Today however, those packets were no where to be found.  I decided to give homemade gravy a try.

After a quick search, I discovered that not only was this recipe easy to make, but I had all of the ingredients on hand.  Score!  I used this recipe from the Pioneer Woman and made the best biscuits and gravy ever in our marriage (according to the hubby.)  I was even a good girl and didn't eat any since I am not eating grains this month.  (Yay for self-control!)

Image from The Pioneer Woman

This recipe will be replacing those packet mixes (and saving me some money in turn!)  Happy Saturday, friends!

Catch up on my other challenges here.

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