
Saturday, February 1, 2014

{365} Challenge: Whole 30 (Paleo only for a month)

Last year I started eating paleo as a way to clean out the crap I was eating and to get healthier.  After I made the switch, I had more energy, clearer skin, and was really trimming down.  It was great!  Due to the pregnancy I succumbed to the cravings and morning sickness and "fell off the wagon."  Now it is my goal to eat Paleo and get my diet cleaned up for 30 days straight!  I hope this challenge changes your life and makes you feel great too! Good luck!  
Oh!  I should quickly add that I am not a nutritionist or doctor, just a mamma looking to get healthy!
So here’s the 30 day paleo challenge:
  • I will follow the diet and eat only paleo-approved foods for the next 30 days!  If I get weak, I will blog about it and look for support.
  • Take a picture of yourself straight on and then a picture side view! Keep the picture where you can see it and remind yourself what your is.  You don't have to show it unless you want to.  Also, weigh yourself.  There will be no weighing of self until the 30 days are up.

Ready?!  Here we go!
Week 1
Drink Have a water bottle at your bedside.  First thing every morning, drink 16 oz. of water before you do ANYTHING.

Morning workout: Choose 1 per day:  
  • 20 pushups (yes!  Go to your knees if you have to.)
  • 50 sit-ups.  Make sure you touch your hands behind your head and in front of your feet.  Keep your booty down!
  • 30 minute walk
  • 50 body weight squats.  Knees should not go over your toes, go down till your legs are at a 90 degree angle or lower.  Half squats produce half results.  
  • Calf raises - 20 with feet pointing forward, 20 toes turned in, 20 toes turned out.
  • 10 burpees
  • Jumprope for 5 minutes

Breakfast: drink 16oz of water (2 glasses before each meal to avoid overeating) Scrambled eggs - 2 eggs + 1 egg white scrambled and mixed with half of a diced avocado and 2 slices of bacon.  I love the Trader Joe's bacon.  Yum!  This is breakfast everyday this week!
Water Keep drinking it!  You want to drink at least an ounce for half of your weight. I drink an ounce per pound.

Lunch: 5 slices of ham (again, I LOVE Trader Joe's Black Forest Ham) rolled up with a wedge of avocado inside, plus a spinach salad.  Load on all the veggies you want!  (Again, this is lunch ALL week.)

Are you drinking your water?!

Snack: If hunger strikes and you need a snack, reach for a cup of carrots or celery with almond butter

Afternoon Workout:  There are tons of things you can do - from videos online, to P90x to going out running.  I hit the gym where I do circuit training or Crossfit for an hour.  If you can afford a gym membership (and will use it) I recommend finding a smaller gym where you can get personal support, rather than the big box gyms where you disappear in the throngs of steroid-using macho men. 
Dinner: All of my dinners can be found here.  But just to make it easier on you, night one dinner is Pecan Crusted chicken
Make sure you finish all of your water for the day.  Visiting the bathroom a lot?  No fear - this will subside as your body gets used to the increased water intake.
Dessert: nope!  No treats for 30 days.  Eat some veggies or fruit if you are still hungry, but cut off food at least 3 hours before bed.

Catch up on my other challenges here.

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