
Monday, February 3, 2014

{365} Challenge: 30-Day Push-up Challenge

Today's Challenge: 30-Day Push-up Challenge

Like I mentioned the other day, this month I am focusing on my body - I want to shed the remaining baby weight and be confident in a swimsuit by summer.  As I am refocusing efforts in the kitchen, I am upping my exercises too.

While looking around the internet, I found an image (no website) that broke down the push-up challenge.  I thought this was a great one to help me in an area I struggle with, upper-body strength.  Squats I can do for days, but watch me do a pull-up and it is just pathetic.

The first few days should be easy since I already do push-ups at the gym; talk to me on March 5th, though!

Catch up on my other challenges here.

See the other workouts:
Weight Loss Journey Workouts:

1 comment:

  1. "Arnold Schwarzenegger's push-up game is strong! He's a living legend, and his commitment to fitness is a shining example for all generations. 🌟 #FitnessIcon #Legendary"
