Monday, November 11, 2013

It Begins Today

It begins today.  I am officially 10.5 weeks postpartum and it is time to get back in shape.

Three years ago I started doing circuit training at a small gym near my house after I had reached the 198lb mark for the second time in my life.  During my teenage years I was very active with cheerleading and weights, but after two kids and a marriage, my weight was usually around 125-145lbs and I was a size 6-8.  After kiddo #2 I just kept gaining and when I saw 198 on the scale for the first time I almost passed out.

I Cannot Be 200lbs.

So I worked out and ate healthier and dropped 30lbs.  I could not get passed 168, but I was feeling fantastic.  Then I started slipping again – that is when I found my gym.  The workouts were much more intensive than anything I had ever done before.  I found myself starving after each workout and would get big deli sandwiches loaded with turkey, mayo, avocado, and cheese (and a side of chips and soda) after almost every session.

Not what you should do.

Once again I found myself at 198lbs.  In my head I kept thinking, “But I am working out!”  My problem was what I was putting INTO my body.  Getting in shape is more about what you are eating than what you do at the gym.

About a year and a half ago, my gym started offering CrossFit, but I was scared.  I was working out hard, had started eating Paleo, and really just needed another kick in the rear.  So I gave it a go.  I found that Crossfit was just the workout I needed.  Between that and Paleo, I dropped the weight again and got down to 173lbs.  I felt great, and was looking better.  After some talks with my trainer, I came to the realization that I would never be 125lbs again; my body just isn’t built that way, but I CAN be a thin and fit mama around 140-145lbs.  So that is my goal.

In June of 2012, my husband and I found out we were pregnant again, with our third child.  We had been trying for years to get the girl we so desired.  My morning sickness made me abandon Paleo eating and it was too hot to go to my little gym (it gets up in the 90’s there on a hot day.)  Then, in August of 2012, we learned I had a blighted ovum and was losing the baby.  I was in a funk for months until in mid-December when we learned we were pregnant yet again.  During this time, I still couldn’t get motivated to eat paleo, but I was staying around 173lbs. and going to the gym regularly. 

Throughout my pregnancy (and it was  girl!!!) I stayed focused at the gym, gave into cravings, and did my best to stay healthy.  I was dreading getting over 200lbs, but eventually it happened.  My sadness over that was balanced with the excitement of still squatting 145lbs at 30 weeks pregnant.  Once again, however, I found myself pregnant in summer and it was just too hot to head to my gym in my 3rd trimester.  When I had my little girl, I was 210lbs – so a 37lb weight gain.

So here we are today.

My beautiful daughter is now 10.5 weeks old and I have been going back to the gym a few times a week for the past 4 weeks.  The first week was hell - I was so stinkin' sore, but I am really excited to get fit, healthy, and thin again.
Here I am today 189.5 lbs.

Right as I was about to head to the hospital to deliver at 40 weeks 4 days

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