
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Workout Journey {Workout 7}

Today's was brutal!  After the third round I was seriously doubting my ability to finish this WOD.  I did though and I am sure my legs will be screaming at me tomorrow!

Today's Workout:

Using a PVC pipe, use a wide grip and do shoulder rows - front - over your head - and to the back x 10
Hold pipe overhead and do 20 squats
Repeat x 3

Workout {4 rounds}:

Bosu ball squats with kettlebell (18 lbs) x 20
Clean to press (65 lbs.) x 8
Overhead barbell (45 lbs.) walking lunge x 8 each leg
Bosu sit to stands (You sit and lay back on the bosu ball, hands touch behind your head, then rock forward and stand and give two punches) x 15


Now 3 rounds of this: 

Bench press with weight on ONE SIDE ONLY - this will fire up your core!  x 12 each side
Resistance bands - 10 to 2's x 20

See the other workouts:
Weight Loss Journey Workouts:

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