Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bliss {she has arrived}

Our sweet little girl arrived August 28th, 2013 at 4:10pm - just 4 days late.  Like her brothers, she wanted to make me wait, but thankfully not as long.

My Story: The night before I was having some mild contractions after the doctor scraped my membranes.  My parents came down and took the boys for the night in case we ended up going to the hospital.  After a few hours, my contractions went away and I was able to sleep. 

Around 3:30 am, I woke up and had a bug to start cleaning and get myself moving.  They say that urge hits strong right before you deliver and boy, were "they" right!  By 8am I was in early labor and feeling them kick in.  By the way, after having had epidurals and Pitocin during my first two labors, I had planned to go natural this time.

My friend Kristy is training to become a doula and she came over around 10am to help my husband, Earl and I out.  We went on a walk around the block and my contractions were getting closer together.  After the walk, we decided to go to the hospital where I would feel more comfortable. 

After being checked in, it turned out I was (only) at a 4.  I was really hoping for at least a 7!  Oh well, I suppose.  Our nurse, Kim, was super supportive of my natural plan.  We had read that often times, hospitals will push you towards meds and interventions, so I was pleased that she was on my side.  Around noon I was at 5 and my doctor came to see me and broke my water for me.  Then I was able to go to my room and get checked in, officially.  As labor progressed, the pains became more intense.  Kristy was amazing, putting counter-pressure on my lower back and handling the nurses for my husband and I.  Nurse Kim was a little concerned with my breathing and the fact that I was using too much energy so she had me get in bed.  She even helped my husband to work with me - by keeping eye contact with me and breathing at the same time during the contractions.

I've told him this - I have never felt more love for him than during those last few hours.  In my labor-haze I would squeeze his hand when the contraction would start and then he would take the breaths with me through the contraction.  Then we would both doze off for the break.  It was painful and amazing.

At one point there was a shift change and Nurse Kim had to go.  Her replacement was not as nice.  When she checked me and I was at a 7, I almost lost it.  Labor was so hard!  Without my husband and Kristy there, I don't think I would have had the willpower to fight through the pain.  But I am glad I did. 

Around 4 o'clock the doctor came in and it was time to push!  They got everything set up and told me to start pushing.  It only took me about 3 minutes to get Miss Bliss out!  The ring of fire they tell you about is no joke!  What a relief it was to have her on my chest and in my arms.  She really was a blessing.  We did an hour of skin-to-skin time and tried breastfeeding (she was quite the natural) and then we had her measurements taken.  Bliss was 7' 10 ounces, 21.5" long and was perfectly healthy.
I spent the next 24 hours in the hospital with lots of visitors.  The boys were begging me to come home with their new sister, so I left just before dinner the next day. 
After doing both natural and medicated, I strongly urge you mamas out there to go natural!  Get a doula if you need the extra support.  I feel like she-woman now and feel this intense bond with my little girl.  If you have any questions, feel free to comment below :)


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