Thursday, December 5, 2013

Project Christmas: Easy decor idea

My brother passed away 10 years ago from Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of childhood cancer.  His favorite color was blue.  For many years after his passing, my tree was decorated in silver in blue in memory of him.

In 2008, we took our first family trip to Disneyland and starting that year we did a Disney-themed tree for several years.

Now, after the birth of Baby B, we are doing a pink and gold themed tree.  So what is a lady to do with all of those ornaments not being used?

I had this large hurricane candle holder sitting around (to which has never housed a candle) and I thought - let's put this to use!  In went the pretty blue and silver ornaments and a string of blue beads from the tree.  Now I have a pretty centerpiece on my table and my brother is still a part of my Christmas.


  1. So I totally did the same thing... promise I didn't copy you!

  2. Isn't that the point though? :) I post tutorials so you can copy me haha
