
Sunday, January 5, 2014

{365} Challenges

If you know me personally, you already know that 2014 for me means a year of daily challenges.  I am challenging myself to give up addictions in my life, be more organized, a better mom, wife, and person, and to do new things that will benefit my family and inspire me (and hopefully others.)

I encourage you to join me in challenging yourself as well.  If you find that one of my challenges doesn't "fit" you and where you are at, skip it or come up with a challenge of your own.  And because I have 365 challenges to complete this year, if you have one that you are working on, please share it!

So, please, follow along with me as I travel this journey (and keep me accountable!)

Day 1: Plan out meals for the month
Day 2: Give up soda for the year.
Day 3: Do not get on Facebook while driving.
Day 4: Clean and organize our game/hall closet
Day 5: Read 50 books this year.
Day 6:  No phones at the table
Day 7: Wash the sheets once a week
Day 8: Drink an ounce of water for every pound, daily
Day 9: Pay it backwards (pay for the person behind me in the drive-thru.)
Day 10: Cut the trash
Day 11: Pack lunches for the hubby for work
Day 12: Watch a Documentary 1 x week
Day 13: Make dates a priority
Day 14: PR on Squat
Day 15: Clear out the junk
Day 16: Tuck the kiddos in at night
Day 17: 52-Week Money Challenge
Day 18: Build an indoor fort with the kids
Day 19: Tackle the craft bench
Day 20: Go to the gym when the motivation isn't there
Day 21: Complete Things I have been putting off
Day 22: Write letters to people!  Snail mail style!
Day 23: Make dates with my kids  
Day 24: Go visit my brother.  Today would have been his 25th birthday.
Day 25: Have a picnic in the living room and watch a movie with the boys.
Day 26: Read to the baby daily
Day 27: Get ahead on a task (making Lumpia for the Superbowl)
Day 28: Start a journal
Day 29: Make a meal for lunch for my family, not just sandwiches.
Day 30: No weighing myself for a month (Until March 1st)
Day 31: Meal Planning for a Month - February
Day 32: Eat Paleo for a month (Whole 30 Challenge)
Day 33: Surprise family with donuts for breakfast
Day 34: 30-Day Push up challenge
Day 35: Double the exercise for the day
Day 36: Make my son's birthday special
Day 37: Start a Daily Devotional
Day 38: Eat more calories
Day 39: Try a new recipe
Day 40: Start a new project
Day 41: Make my room a sanctuary 
Day 42: Donate to the SPCA
Day 43: Rope Climb!  
Day 44: Make Valentine's with my son
Day 45: Love on my family by doing chores for them, making special treats, etc.
Day 46: Make hubby breakfast in bed
Day 47: Bring a friend a coffee
Day 48: Spend time outdoors with the family
Day 49: Walk boys to school
Day 50: Clean the cars inside and out
Day 51: Spend the day with a friend
Day 52: Give out 5 high-5's to different people
Day 53: Say no to Disneyland
Day 54: Organize digital photos on computer
Day 55: Buy enough for a month
Day 56: Try Juicing (making actual juice!)
Day 57: Get in that monthly date with the hubby!
Day 58: Bake treats for the neighbors
Day 59: Make kitchen cabinets more accessible and organized
Day 60: Purge beauty products that are expired/not used
Day 61: Spend time with friends I don't normally get to hang out with
Day 62: Let someone go ahead of me in line 
Day 63: Plan meals for a month (March)
Day 64: Meal prep for the month
Day 65: Organize charging cords and cables
Day 66: Plan out spring activities
Day 67: Encourage my kids
Day 68: Focus on an area to organize and purge (desk in garage)
Day 69: Put first things first!  (Get baseball gear ready several days before the game)
Day 70: PR on Broad Jump
Day 71: Skinny Plate Challenge
Day 72: Do Something Daring!
Day 73: Hold the door open for strangers (make sure you teach your sons this!)
Day 74: Start Spring Cleaning
Day 75: Clean the Bob Stroller
Day 76: Makeover Monday!  Turn trash into Treasure (Card table makeover)
Day 77: Bench press challenge - AMRAP (as many reps as possible) till failure.  
Day 78: Family Movie Night!  (Frozen themed movie night)
Day 79: Make a sensory bin for Baby B
Day 80: Give up something that has been weighing me down
Day 81: Family time - go for a walk
Day 82: Clean under the bed
Day 83: Get up earlier
Day 84: Sing and dance with Baby B
Day 85: Get to a Mom's Group to socialize!
Day 86: Plan a week's worth of full-day meals
Day 87: Put up Easter decorations
Day 88: Re-commit to not drinking soda (such a difficult habit to break!)
Day 89: Baby-proof the living room
Day 90: Make my business a priority 
Day 91: Sanitize all baby things
Day 92: Meal Planning for a Month
Day 93: Stock the car with reusable grocery bags (no more plastic bags)
Day 94: Clean the house with homemade products - no toxic chemicals, yay!
Day 95: Organize photos - people don't seem to have albums anymore.  I miss that.
Day 96: Don't Panic
Day 97: Spend time with mom
Day 98: Let the mess just sit
Day 99: Full day meal planning for a week
Day 100: Hold doors open for strangers
Day 101: Take the kids out for dinner (their choice)
Day 102: Encourage music love in Baby B
Day 103: Breastfeed in public - without a cover! My trip to MommyCon San Francisco.
Day 104: Email companies praise (5 a day goal from Couponing to Disney)
Day 105: Full day meal planning for a week
Day 106: Spend time with the in-laws
Day 107: Prepare Easter goodies - double check your list so you didn't forget anything!
Day 108: Wear something fancy today because you can
Day 109: Rest!!!  I am a sick girl.
Day 110: Full Day Meal planning for a week!  (For next week)
Day 111: Celebrate Easter with a family brunch 
Day 112: Start Running!
Day 113: Have a Family Game Night
Day 114: Keep phone put away during kid's sporting events
Day 115: Give up a tv show and spend that time doing something more productive
Day 116: Take a mid-day nap with the baby
Day 117: Learn how to conserve at the Earth Day Festival
Day 118: Purge items in the kid's closets that do not fit, are stained, or ruined.
Day 119: Put aside responsibilities for the day and do something fun!
Day 120: Replace an old household item with something new (we got a new water pitcher!)
Day 121: Make a new friend
Day 122: Put flowers out for May Day
Day 123: Dance party with the kids
Day 124: Make the back patio a place for socializing
Day 125: Clean the house as a family (many hands makes light work!)
Day 126: Change the paint color somewhere in your home
Day 127: Try a new food  (I tried potato samosas, yum!)
Day 128: Sign an online petition you believe in
Day 129:Take a friend treats and a balloon for their birthday
Day 130: Spend some time with someone you don't usually spend time with
Day 131: Participate in a community activity with the family
Day 132: Go out to lunch with mom
Day 133: Take an evening stroll with the kids
Day 134: Take joy in small miracles
Day 135: Find creative ways to stay cool without running the A/C (and in turn, the bill!)
Day 136: Allow the mess to happen
Day 137: Bake with the kids
Day 138: Bake cupcakes for son's baseball team and friends
Day 139: Take dinner to Hubby at work - and eat with him.
Day 140: Recognize the Seniors
Day 141: Shop for clothes at the thrift store
Day 142: Create learning experiences for Baby B
Day 143: Wear red lipstick,  Just because.
Day 144: Pick up trash we find when we are out
Day 145: Water Balloons with the kids
Day 146: Try a new activity 
Day 147: Have people over more often
Day 148: Read to the kids
Day 149: Get a massage to unwind
Day 150: Organize loose papers around the house
Day 151: Lunch date with the hubby
Day 152: Meal Planning for a Month (June)
Day 153: Family Fun day at the waterpark
Day 154: Ab Challenge
Day 155: Get the baby in swim lessons
Day 156: Host a dinner party
Day 157: Make sure the house is clean every evening
Day 158: Shop/Prep for Father's Day (get it done early for once!)
Day 159: Day with the In-Laws
Day 160: Look for ways to cut down monthly spending
Day 161: Embrace disappointments and turn it into something positiveDay 162: Family night watching baseball
Day 163: Learn a new way to craft
Day 164: Catch up with a friend
Day 165: Give Blood
Day 166: Plant a Garden (a family affair!)
Day 167: Father's Day - pamper my husband!
Day 168: Make Blessing Bags
Day 169: Family Night - Drive in movies!
Day 170: Take the kids on a hike and have a picnic
Day 171: Hold the door open for people when out.
Day 172: Challenge yourself to eating cleaner 
Day 173: Deep clean baseboards around the house
Day 174: Surprise someone with flowers, just because
Day 175:  Make a play date with a new family
Day 176:  Try a new creative project
Day 177: Plan a fabulous family vacation for the future
Day 178: Clean all windows and mirrors in the house - try to make a weekly chore!
Day 179: Babyproof the house (someone is almost walking...)
Day 180: Drop a yummy meal off at hubby's work
Day 181: Deep clean shower(s)
Day 182: Bake a treat and deliver to a friend
Day 183: Treat hubby to a massage
Day 184:Write letters to the kids for their week at camp
Day 185: Treat the kids to a favorite meal
Day 186: Enjoy a parade and fireworks as a family
Day 187: Spend time with extended family
Day 188: Treat myself to a pedicure
Day 189: Prepare meals for my hubby for while I am away
Day 190: Travel somewhere you have never been.  Hello Hawaii!
Day 191: Picnic on the beach
Day 192: My Birthday!  Visit a National Park (Pearl Harbor)
Day 193: Try a new food.  I had Loco Moco!
Day 194: Rock a swimsuit - no matter your body type
Day 195: Share about trips and camp with family
Day 196: Sign kids up for a fall sport
Day 197: Inventory kids clothes and prepare Back to School Shopping List
Day 198: Visit grandparents (your kid's great-grandparents)
Day 199: Vacuum along the baseboards
Day 200: Utilize the summer heat by hanging clothes to dry outside
Day 201: Have dinner with the parents
Day 202: Movie night with the kids
Day 203: Try a new place to play
Day 204: Plan a road trip
Day 205: Take the kids out to pick blackberries
Day 206: Turn nursery into playroom for a growing baby
Day 207: Make Jam!
Day 208: Take neighbors homemade jam
Day 209: Try a new recipe 
Day 210: Make a toy for the baby (cardboard box with ribbons...she started eating the box lol)
Day 211: Date Night!
Day 212: Print photos and don't always leave them in the digital world

What will you do to change in 2014?

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